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Here's 20 quick facts about sleep you can impress your friends, family, and colleagues with this World Sleep Day. 

20 quick *facts about sleep* for world sleep day

Sleep—it’s something we all need, yet most of us don’t get enough of it. Whether you’re a night owl, an early bird, or someone who just loves a good lie-in, sleep plays a huge role in our health and well-being.

So, in honour of World Sleep Day, here are 20 quick (and slightly surprising) facts about sleep to help you appreciate those precious Zzzs even more.

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1. you spend about a third of your life asleep

Yep, if you live to 75, that’s roughly 25 years spent snoozing. Seems like a lot, but trust us—you need it!

2. the ideal nap lasts 10–20 minutes

Any longer, and you risk waking up groggy instead of refreshed.

3. your brain is still very active while you sleep

It’s busy processing memories, clearing out toxins, and even solving problems. That’s why you sometimes wake up with the answer to something you were stuck on the night before!

4. you start dreaming within 90 minutes of falling asleep

This happens during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage, which is when dreams are most vivid.

5. not getting enough sleep can make you hungrier

Lack of sleep messes with hormones that control appetite, making you crave junk food.

6. the record for the longest time without sleep is 11 days

Set by a student, Randy Gardner, in 1964. Would not recommend.

7. falling asleep should take 10–20 minutes

If you’re out like a light as soon as your head hits the pillow, you’re probably overtired.

8. cheese doesn’t actually cause nightmares

In fact, some studies suggest it might even help you sleep better.

9. your body temperature drops when you sleep

That’s why a cooler room (around 16–18°C) helps you sleep better.

10. humans are the only species that deliberately delay sleep

Most animals just conk out when they’re tired. Meanwhile, we stay up scrolling TikTok.

11. you can’t sneeze while you sleep

Your brain literally shuts down the reflex.

12. lack of sleep affects your immune system

Even just one bad night can make you more susceptible to colds and viruses.

13. some people dream in black and white

More common in older generations who grew up watching black-and-white TV.

14. snoring isn’t actually normal

Occasional snoring is fine, but loud, frequent snoring could be a sign of sleep apnoea.

15. you go through about 4–6 sleep cycles a night

Each cycle lasts around 90 minutes and includes different sleep stages.

16. your muscles are paralysed during REM sleep

This stops you from acting out your dreams (thankfully).

17. the “8-hour rule” isn’t one-size-fits-all

Some people function fine on 6 hours, while others need closer to 9.

18. dreams are easy to forget

Within five minutes of waking up, you’ve forgotten 50% of your dream. Within ten minutes, it's 90% gone!

19. blue light messes with your sleep

Phones, tablets, and laptops emit blue light, which tricks your brain into thinking it’s daytime. Try switching to night mode or putting your phone down an hour before bed.

20. a good night’s sleep is as important as diet and exercise

Yet, most of us don’t prioritise it nearly as much. Time to change that!

final thoughts

So there you have it—20 quick sleep facts to mark World Sleep Day! Hopefully, this has convinced you to give sleep the attention it deserves.

Now, go grab a cup of chamomile tea, set your phone to “Do Not Disturb,” and get ready for a proper, restful night’s sleep.

Until next time, eve sleep.