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Laziness isn't always a bad thing. Here we explain why being lazy (on occasion, of course) is okay in more ways than one. Scroll on to find out more!
the lazy truth: why *being lazy* is sometimes okay

Ah, laziness… That blissful state of doing absolutely nothing, or at least as little as humanly possible. Some call it sloth, others call it an art form. In a world that glorifies hustle and bustle, let’s take a moment to appreciate the beauty of being a proper professional procrastinator. Here's why being lazy is sometimes the best decision you'll ever make.  

the couch is your best friend 

Who needs an adventure holiday, when you can have a marvellous day with your sofa? The couch is the unsung hero of our homes. It’s always there for you, never judging your choices, even when you decide to binge-watch an entire series of The Great British Bake Off in one sitting, though it’s never been the same since Mel and Sue… Sad times. Anyway, it’s much cheaper than therapy, twice as comfortable, and there’s no need to leave the sofa, let alone the house! 

Picture the scene: you wake up on a Saturday morning, the rain pattering gently against the window. Instead of rushing out for an early morning jog or tackling that to-do list, you decide to indulge in the warm embrace of your couch. Wrapped in a cosy blanket, you settle in with a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits. The day stretches ahead, filled with the promise of naps, leisurely TV marathons, and perhaps a half-hearted attempt at getting up to find the remote. Bliss… 

procrastination: the ultimate planning tool 

People say procrastination is the thief of time. But it can also be seen as the master of last-minute brilliance. Some of the best ideas come when you’re under pressure, right? Think about it, would Newton have discovered gravity if he hadn’t been lazily lounging under a tree? We rest our case. Deadlines are merely suggestions that can be negotiated, guidelines to be stretched, so why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?  

Consider the thrill of the last-minute rush. That adrenaline spike as you scramble to meet a deadline can be exhilarating! Suddenly, all your senses are heightened, your focus is razor-sharp, and you accomplish in an hour what might have taken a whole day. It’s safe to say therefore, that procrastination isn't necessarily laziness; it could also be conceived as strategic delay, and a way to unleash your inner genius. Just think of all the world shifting theories you could think up too! Newton didn’t even have a calculator, so you have the advantage, surely?! 

lazy and loving it: health benefits 

Being lazy can actually be good for your health. We know, shocking, right? When you're lounging around, you're reducing stress, and lower stress levels mean lower blood pressure, and a happier heart (1). Cute! Plus, think of all the calories you're saving by not moving. You’re practically a health guru by staying in bed all day. And those mid-afternoon naps? They're not a sign of laziness, they're an investment in your cognitive function. Allow us to explain… 

Studies have shown that short naps can improve memory, increase alertness, and boost your mood (2). So, next time someone raises an eyebrow at your midday snooze, just inform them that you’re engaging in a scientifically supported activity. Moreover, relaxing on your couch with a good book or your favourite TV show can lower cortisol levels, reducing the risk of chronic stress-related illnesses. You’re not just lazy; you’re prioritising your long-term health.  

environmental heroics 

By staying in and doing nothing, you’re actually saving the planet. That’s right, yet another way that being lazy is basically awesome. No petrol used, no unnecessary trips to the shops, and no energy spent. You’re like an eco-warrior in pyjamas 

Picture this: while others are out and about, contributing to their carbon footprints (the heathens…), you’re snug at home, reducing your environmental impact. No emissions from your car, no lights left on in empty rooms, just the minimal energy consumption of a TV and occasionally, a kettle. Taking the time to be lazy every now and again, one episode of EastEnders at a time, is actually no bad thing. 

the art of doing nothing 

There’s a real art to doing nothing, and it takes practice to perfect it. Not everyone can master the delicate balance of lounging with purpose. It’s about finding that sweet spot between relaxation and total inertia. Those who’ve perfected it know the joys of a life spent in the comfortable embrace of their duvet. There is a fine balance to be struck, and more than the start and stop gears are required, but don’t worry Kemosabe, we’re here to help. 

Doing nothing isn’t as easy as it seems. It requires a certain finesse. You need to be able to fully relax without succumbing to guilt or the nagging feeling that you should be doing something productive. It’s about enjoying the moment, savouring the quiet, and revelling in the freedom from obligations. It’s a zen-like state, where you’re at peace with your surroundings and your own leisurely pace. We don’t want to let our self-esteem drop, we want to feel like the masters of our own destiny, captains of the universe, or at the very least like the referee on Gladiators. You’re in control dude!  

social benefits: strengthening relationships 

Believe it or not, being lazy can also improve your social life. When you invite friends over for a night of movies and takeaway, you’re fostering connections in a relaxed and comfortable environment, a place where you can all chill and be your true selves. There’s no need for fancy dinners or elaborate plans, just good company, good food, and the joy of shared laziness. And maybe a Lord of the Rings Marathon. Extended editions only, of course… 

Moreover, when you're not constantly busy, you have more time for meaningful conversations and bonding; you can actually listen to your friends and family, offering them your undivided attention. The simple act of lounging together can create lasting memories and deepen your relationships. Sounds good, right? 

conclusion: embrace your inner sloth 

So, next time someone calls you lazy, just smile and know that you’re living your best life. You’re not lazy, you’re an efficiency expert in disguise, conserving energy for the important things in life. So go ahead, embrace your inner sloth; lay back, relax, and enjoy the sheer joy of doing absolutely nothing once in a while. After all, there’s no rush; the world can wait. We’re here for a good time, not a long time! 

Remember, in the words of the great philosopher Winnie the Pooh: "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." Cheers to that, Pooh. Cheers to that. 

In the grand scheme of things, taking it easy once in a while isn’t just acceptable; it’s necessary. It’s about balance, self-care, and recognising that sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is nothing at all. So, here's to the lazy days, the pyjama-clad weekends, and the glorious art of doing absolutely nothing. Long live the lazy! 

Until next time, eve sleep. 

