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What is sleep debt? Is sleep debt actually a real thing? Here we look at the need to know info surrounding sleep debt including how to start paying it off.

*sleep debt*: what it is and how to pay it off

You’ve probably heard of debt – money owed to the bank, credit card companies, or maybe even that mate who covered your last night out. But what about sleep debt? It's not something you can pay off when your next payday comes around. But it is just as important to tackle if you want to feel your best. 

Here’s all the need-to-know info surrounding sleep debt. 

what is sleep debt? 

Sleep debt is basically the difference between how much sleep you should be getting and how much sleep you’re actually getting. It happens to the best of us at one stage or another. 

Let’s say you need 8 hours of sleep a night (which is pretty average for most adults), but you’re only clocking 6. That 2-hour shortfall starts to add up over time. And just like with a credit card, a lack of sleep can create a debt that will eventually need to be paid off. 

But unlike financial debt, you can’t just pay back sleep with a lump sum of extra shut-eye on the weekends. Unfortunately, your body isn’t a bank that balances the books that easily. 

how does sleep debt affect you? 

Carrying around a sleep debt can often leave you feeling as though you’re running on empty. Here are a few examples of the ways it can mess with your day-to-day life: 

  • Feeling groggy. That mid-afternoon slump might hit harder and earlier if you’ve been skimping on sleep a little too often. 

  • Moody much? Lack of sleep can cause you to feel more irritable or anxious. It’s much harder to keep your cool when you’re running low on Zzzs. 

  • Brain fog. Struggling to concentrate at work? Forgetting things more often than you usually would? Sleep debt can lead to trouble focussing. And your ability to retain information during the day can start to suffer as a result. 

  • A weakened immune system. Your body needs sleep to be able to stave off illnesses. So, if you’re not getting enough, you could find yourself catching colds more often. 

  • Weight gain. Sleep also has an impact on our hormones, including those ones that control hunger. Less sleep might mean more late-night snacks which would lead to an increased risk of weight gain. 

can you pay off sleep debt? 

The good news is, yes, you can. But it’s not quite as simple as sleeping in on a Sunday. Here’s how you can start to pay some of that sleep debt you’ve been mounting up back: 

  1. Set a sleep schedule. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Yes, even on the weekends! Consistency is super important when it comes to helping your body clock get back on track. 

  1. Gradual recovery. For those of us who've been sleep-deprived for a while, fixing the problems overnight just isn't going to happen. Instead, you'll need to work out a way to catch up gradually. Try popping an extra 15-30 minutes of sleep onto your nightly routine until you’re getting enough to start waking up feeling refreshed. 

  1. Nap wisely. A quick power nap (limited to 20-30 minutes) can help you to catch up a little bit, but don’t overdo it. Napping for too long or too late in the day can mess up your ability to sleep at night. 

  1. Prioritise sleep. It’s often tempting to stay up late to binge-watch that new series or scroll through socials on your phone but try to resist the urge! Getting to bed on time needs to be a priority. Your body (and mind) will thank you for it. 

  1. Practice good sleep hygiene. This means creating a restful environment in your bedroom – think cool, dark, and quiet. It’s also wise to avoid screens immediately before bed and limit the amount of caffeine you consume in the afternoon. Find out more about sleep hygiene in our dedicated blog post. 

sleep debt: the bottom line 

Just like with financial debt, the best approach to sleep debt is to avoid it in the first place. And to do this, you need to start prioritising sleep.  

But if you do find yourself in a bit of a sleep deficit, start making small changes to get back on track today. Your body, mind, and mood will be all the better for it. 

So, go on – treat yourself to the rest you deserve. After all, sleep isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. Until next time, eve sleep.