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When the good old British weather shows no signs of letting up, we're here to help. Here are 10 indoor activities to keep you busy when it rains.
stuff to do on *rainy days*: how to keep busy when the heavens open

Rainy days can often dampen your day – in more ways than one! Especially in those summer months where all Brits long for is sunshine-y days and BBQs!  

And which some of us love the soothing sound of rain, many of us dread the idea of being stuck inside. Again. 

But a rainy day doesn't have to be boring. Nor does it have to result in a wasted day. There are actually loads of fun, productive, and relaxing activities to enjoy when the Great British weather decides to live up to its reputation!  

So, without further ado here are some indoor activities and ideas to keep you busy on rainy days here in the UK. 

1. pick up a good book

A rainy day provides us with the perfect excuse to curl up with that book that’s been gathering dust on your bedside table for a while. And this indoor activity is great for kids and adults alike. From the depths of a gripping, mystery to the warmth and loveliness of a romantic novel and beyond, why not set aside an hour or five to simply get lost in a good book? All you’ll need is a soft, snuggly blanket; a steaming cup of tea; and somewhere comfy to curl up in. 

2. have a movie marathon

Rainy days are also an ideal time to have a movie marathon. Whether it’s a family affair, or simply you and the dog, why not spend the next rainy day watching your way through all those must-see flix you’ve been putting off forever and a day.  


Alternatively, you could pick a theme. Be it film franchise, preferred genre, or movies from a particular director you’re keen on; watching movies back to back can provide hours of entertainment. Don’t forget to grab a bowl of popcorn, dim the lights, and set the scene for a cinematic escape at home. 

3. get crafting

When it won’t stop raining outside, arts and crafts can provide great indoor entertainment for fun-lovers of all ages. For the kids there’s painting, modelling, and scrapbooking. And for the adults there’s also painting, modelling, and scrapbooking! 

Or what about finally tackling some of those DIY home décor projects? Whatever your crafting preference, this indoor activity can give you a fulfilling way to pass the day. What’s more, at the end of the day you'll actually have something tangible to show for all your hard work too. 

4. cook or bake something new

Use one of those rainy days as an opportunity to try out a new recipe you’ve been drooling over lately. Bake some cookies, batch cook a week of meals, or put your skills to the test by trying out a harder recipe than you might usually dare to. Cooking and baking are both generally a fun way to spend your time. Plus, you’ll be entitled to that obligatory taste test afterwards too! Win-win! 

5. play board games or do a jigsaw puzzle

Board games and puzzles are made for rainy days – especially if you’re shut up indoors with some of your family or friends. So dust off those classics such as Monopoly, Scrabble, or the Game of Life and engage in hours of competitive fun.  

And for those trapped inside alone, a jigsaw puzzle or a game of solitaire could keep you busy for a good while too. 

6. make some home improvements

Rainy days are great for tackling those indoor home improvement projects that have been on your to-do list forever and a day. From reorganising your wardrobe and sorting out your under bed storage to rearranging your furniture, or even starting a new DIY project, there’s plenty of productive ways to use a rainy day as an opportunity to make some home improvements.  

7. learn something new

Whether you’re an ambitious person or have been meaning to learn the ukulele for like forever, a rainy day indoors is the perfect excuse.  

You could start learning a new language, finally enrol in that online course, or work your way from being a crocheting novice to a stitch-work pro.  

Remember to harness the power of the internet in your quest for knowledge or to master a new skill too. There’s millions of hours of how-to reading materials and video tutorials out there for you to access via a quick and easy search. 

8. practice mindfulness and relaxation

On rainy days at eve hq, we’re all about self-care. So why not join us in winding down and practicing a bit more mindfulness? Yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises are all great ways to chill out indoors while the weather rages on outside. So, start by setting the mood by popping on some soft and relaxing music, lighting a candle or two, and making sure you’ve got something comfy to relax (or pose) on. And then you’ll be all set to engage in whatever relaxing activity you choose!  

On the plus side, taking time to relax and recharge can also be a great way to give your mental health a boost too. 

9. plan your next great adventure

You could always choose to use the indoor time to plan your next adventure too. Look into those gotta-see places on your travel list, build a comprehensive itinerary for an upcoming trip, or make a list of things and places you want to see and do.  

Giving yourself something to look forward to can also help to improve your mood in general too. 

10. make a pillow fort. 

That’s a den to us. But we all know how Americanisms have worked their way into the linguistic preferences of our young’uns - rubbish is now trash, and nappies are now diapers, and so on and so forth, you get the drift. So, we best get on board with their lingo while we still have a chance at communicating with them in the future, eh?! 

Grab the spare blankets and those winter duvets down from storage and create your very own place to escape the drab and dreary weather outdoors. Whether you’ve got little ones at home or are just trying to relive your youth a little, building a den is often a nostalgic experience for adults that are stuck inside thanks to the rain!  

stuff to do when it’s raining: our conclusion 

Rainy days don't have to be boring. Use a dash of creativity and plan ahead – cause we’re all well aware there’s going to be more than a handful of rainy days in the UK this summer – to come up with your very own list of enjoyable and productive activities.  

Whether it be curling up with good book or trying out some new recipes, there's no shortage of stuff to do on rainy days. And with your duvet at the ready, every day this summer can be an adventure – both outdoors, and in!